Newsletter in Danish
In Ovartaci’s foodsteps

During the school winter holidays in week 7 our Children & Youth Facility opens its doors and welcomes families to a creative week in Ovartaci’s footsteps.


Every day you can combine a visit to the exhibitions with a creative family experience. In our Children & Youth Facility you can create crazy and quirky masks and faces from recycled materials. Our volunteers are ready to help you get started at Sunday 9 from 13-16, Monday 10 – Thursday 13 from 11-15 and Saturday 15 from 13-16. If you visit the workshop when there are no volunteers we welcome you to work on your own.

It is free to participate in the workshop and to children and young people under the age of 27 entry to the museum is free.


We look foreward to seeing you.

Half price at Malmö Konstmuseum

Until 4 May 2025 you can experience the exhibition ’Anslagets konst – att sätta tonen för en udställing’ at Malmö Konstmuseum.

7 works of Ovartaci are represented among the 28 artist participating in the group exhibition.


During the exhibition period you will get a 50% discount on the entry to Malmö Konstmuseum when showing a ticket from Museum Ovartaci or your membership card from ‘Friends of Ovartaci’.


The exhibition, curated by Jacob Fabricius, explores gender, identity, sexuality – struggle and resistance – the personal struggle and resistance, as well as the larger struggles that leave scars on the soul, our surroundings and the landscape. Themes we all struggle with in our daily lives. 

Maleri af Erik Martin Larsen
The return of two Ovartaci works

On 1 March two of Ovartaci’s works return to the museum. In connection with its annual art auction, Galleri Gallo hands over the works to the museum’s collection.

At the art auction 150 works will be auctioned included drawings, sculptures and oil paintings all collected through exhibitions at Galleri Gallo and through generous donations.

The auction takes place at Kulturhus Bunkeren from 14:00 with inspection of the works between 13:00 -14:00. Auctioneer is ‘Frøken Svennevig’ from Café Kølbert.


The museum gives a 25% discount on the day.


Opening at 6 March

On 6 March at 17:00 a very unique special exhibition - NET//VÆRK (NET//WORK) opens. The exhibition is a community-driven interactive installation curated by the museums ‘YOUTH-today’ group and invite you to explore vulnerability and embrace the unpredicted future through co-creation of an interactive installation.

Fotokredit: Ugo Carmeni
Ovartaci – Art & Mind in Europe

On 13 March we once again participate in ‘Århundredets Festival’ (Festival of the Century) and you can learn more about the meaning of Ovartaci from a European perspective.


In an open dialogue museum director Mia Lejsted and researcher and docent at VIA University College Brian Benjamin Hansen unfold the importance of Ovartaci in a European perspective. Based on recent years exhibitions of Ovartaci’s art in Europe, parallels will be drawn to the social agendas where Ovartaci’s art gives food for thought and contributes to new useful perspectives.


The event takes place in the Auditorium in Kulturhus Bunkeren, Aarhus N


The event is in Danish.

To book your ticket
Crooked lines with Sofie Riis Nors

According to author, feminist and lecturer Sofie Riise Nors, constant self-criticism hinders our creativity.

The constant and high exposure of bodies and beauty on social media has caused a constant self-observation - also called "habitual body monitoring", which has spread across all genders.


The expectation of "perfect" prevents us from making mistakes, and thereby finding our personal "line". But we have to change that!


On 5 April, we're giving the heck out of perfection in this drawing workshop and together with Sofie Riise Nors we will create fun, quirky and unique portraits of celebrities.


The event takes place in the Glassalen in Kulturhus Bunkeren, Aarhus N.

To buy your ticket
Food for thought

Once a month Museum Ovartaci offers a combined experience with a tour and dinner. So, bring your friend, girlfriend, boyfriend, spouse, colleague or neighbour for a pleasant evening at the museum.


Thursday 27 February at 17:00 it starts when our skilled tour guide takes you on an exciting journey through Ovartaci’s art and life. A tour that also gives an insight into life at the Psychiatric Hospital in Risskov. Through selected items in the museum's permanent exhibition, you will learn who Ovartaci really was.


The tour lasts approx. one hour and is in Danish.


At 18:00 a nice hot meal is served together with a glass of wine leaving you to enjoy the meal together and take a closer look on your own at the exhibitions until closing time at 20:00.


There are 20 tickets for the tour, which are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Book your ticket today


Deadline for registration is 24 February 2025


The tour is in Danish

To buy your ticket
Let’s be friends

Make a difference for art and Museum Ovartaci and become a member of ’Friends of Ovartaci’.


‘Friends of Ovartaci’ was founded in 2016 and helps to ensure that the museum can continue creating exciting exhibitions, develop and preserve the museum’s unique collection and continue the work for removing prejudice towards mental illness through art and art history.


Your support makes a difference.

A membership gives you the following benefits:

Free entry to the museum
Invitation to exhibition openings
Invitation to various events
Special membership price on selected events
Free entry cardholders and one companion if you have a ’Membership + one’


The price of a yearly membership:

225 DKK for a personal membership
325 DKK for a ‘Membership + one’

To join Friends of Ovartaci
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