Plant-based dyeing – On the tracks of Ovartaci’s Ebeltoft
Stop-by at ’Spiren’ at Maltfabrikken Friday 8 November from 15:00 to 18:00 for our dyeing workshop, where we will experiment with the colours of nature and dyeing textiles with plant extracts.
As a part of celebrating Ovartaci’s 130th birthday we are holding a workshop in plant-based dyeing.
It’s open to everyone no matter the age and our staff will help and guide you.
Please bring: White or light-coloured textiles, you want to dye and give a new life. The quality must be natural fibres such as linen, silk, cotton or wool.
Get up close to Ovartaci
Saturday 16 November at 13:00 we invite you to a tour of the museum where you will get close to and learn more about the artist, the person and patient, Ovartaci.
On the guided tour you will hear about Ovartaci and his life and how he handled life as a patient through his 56 years at a psychiatric hospital. Our tour guide will lead you on this journey through the museum’s exhibition.
The tour last 45-60 minutes and we recommend you set time aside to spend time afterwards in the exhibition on your own.
There are 25 places for the tour, which are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
We are, what we rememberer..
18 November at 14 the opening of STEAM-projects exhibition ’We are, what we remember” takes place at the square in front of Museum Ovartaci. The exhibition is shown till the end of November.
It is a class from Aarhus Gymnasium in Tilst, who are exhibiting their research into how our memories are created and influenced, and what significance our memories have for our identity. As part of their biology lessons, the class has participated in the project "STEAM in museums" at Museum Ovartaci.
"STEAM in museums" is an interdisciplinary project where high schools and museums collaborates in investigate various relevant issues. The project lasts for 2 years and is part of ‘Foreningen Intrface’, supported by Region Midt.
STEAM teaching is based on a holistic approach to teaching and learning, where existing boundaries are dissolved. STEAM stands for science - technology - engineering - arts and mathematics.
Prior to the opening, the class visited the museum as part of their research. At the museum, we introduced the students to the man, the patient and the artist Ovartaci - with a particular focus on Ovartaci's relationship to identity and thoughts about reincarnation. After the introduction, the students themselves were allowed to give shape and expression to an early memory by making a décolage.
If you are curious about what the talented students have discovered with, come to the opening on 18 November at 14 where the students talk about the reflections and realizations they have made during the course.
Exhibition Catalogue Ovartaci ≠ Isolotto
26 September was Ovartaci’s 130th birthday and the day was celebrated with the opening of a new special exhibition Ovartaci ≠ Isolotto showing atypical and lesser-known works by Ovartaci.
The exhibition catalogue is now available and is for sale in the museum shop and in our web shop. In the exhibition catalogue you can learn more about the works and the ideas behind the exhibition. Furthermore, you can read about Jonas Kjeldgaard Sørensen’s performance on the opening day or perhaps just enjoy pictures from the exhibition.
Thursday 21 November at 16-17 we mark the launch of the exhibition catalogue with an informal talk between artist behind the exhibition Uffe Isolotto and Mia Lejsted, Museum Director.
Poetic Salon
Thursday 28 November at 17-19 YOUTH Today and Museum Ovartaci invite to a different and poetic experience of Ovartaci’s art.
In interaction with the exhibition, we look into what kind of poetry and music arise outside and inside us, when we look at Ovartaci’s works and follow the brushstrokes.
Together and individually, we draw our own lines and write in our own words when you look at a painting. The brushstrokes, the colours, the composition, the details and the whole.
Bring your own notebook if you have one – otherwise paper and pencil will be available.
For two hours we will allow ourselves to be in the world of poetry and observe what it does to us.
17:00 - Welcome to the Salon
17:10 - Performative and active tour of the exhibition
17:40 – Drawing exercise
17:50 – Talk and open dialogue about the experience of the exhibition until finish
19:00 – End of the Salon but you can still revisit the exhibition or continue writing or drawing
The Forum is open to everyone, and it is free to participate.
You are welcome to bring your crochet- or knitwear, embroidery, your favourite colour pencils or the like for the dialogue part.
Christmas Market
From tuesday the 3rd. till sunday the 8th. during the opening hours our traditionally Christmas market will be open.
Our Creative Workshop have made a large selection of unique handicrafts as well as handmade Christmas decorations and other fine handmade items you can use as Christmas presents or hostess gifts.
Museum Ovartaci’s Creative Workshop is an open alternative to mentally vulnerable people. A place creative projects or a talk and a cup of coffee.
The profit from the sale goes directly to the purchase of new materials for the workshop’s users.
Student Café – for the unstructured
- - Do you find it difficult to concentrate during the exam period?
- - Are you easily hit by writer's block?
- - Do you lack structure and fixed framework when you work on your study project?
- Don’t despair!
YOUTH Today at Museum Ovartaci holds a Student Café for the unstructured Thursday 5 December at 13-17. Everyone is welcome and it is free to participate.
The YOUTH Today team provides a structured framework for exam reading with "Brain Breaks" in the form of small active breaks, which take place in a cozy and Christmassy setting.
The Brain Breaks will primarily last for 5 minutes, where we help you to activate your body and mind, so that you can get a break from the writing and still maintain structure over the exam reading.
Bring your study materials, exam paper and perhaps a fellow student.
The YOUTH Today team provides a structured framework, timed breaks, ideas for Brain Breaks, as well as FREE coffee, tea and Christmas sweets.
The Student Café lasts from 13-17, but feel free to join whenever you have the time.
Christmas starts in the museum shop
In the museum shop we have a wide selection of creative DIY-sets, fun games for the family and interesting books for both young and old. So do stop by – you might find the perfect Christmas gift for a loved one.
Furthermore, we have activities to make the wait for Christmas more fun and sweeter. How about making Christmas decorations together? – or decorating your own personal Christmas stocking – or perhaps a candy starter kit, for you to make delicious, sweet candy. No matter your preference you will find the best selection of do-it-yourself Christmas decorations in the museum shop - we guarantee that there is enough for several hours of Christmas fun.
'Shop till you drop'
During the last weekend of November members of ‘Friends of Ovartaci’ get a 20% discount in the museum shop.
Don’t forget to bring your membership card.
Let’s be friends!
Make a difference for art and Museum Ovartaci and become a member of ’Friends of Ovartaci’.
‘Friends of Ovartaci’ was founded in 2016 and helps to ensure that the museum can continue creating exciting exhibitions, develop and preserve the museum’s unique collection and continue the work for removing prejudice towards mental illness through art and art history.
Your support makes a difference.
A membership gives you the following benefits:
- Free entry to the museum
- Invitation to exhibition openings
- Invitation to various events
- Special membership price on selected events
- Free entry cardholders and one companion if you have a ’Membership + one’
To join ’Friends of Ovartaci’
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